III. Wisdom has outmatched craft. 1. The enthusiasm with which the Apostle speaks of preaching the Gospel to the heathen is contagious. Scripture: Ephesians 1:15–23. 2. B. Another thing which we think belongs to the mutual and reciprocal duties of Church members is a constant and ready acknowledgment of one another. And, lastly, what, think some of you, would angels say of your walk and conversation? Error: Passwords should have at least 6 characters, Error: Usernames should only contain letters, numbers, dots, dashes, or underscores. Minor Prophets Passwords should have at least 6 characters. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a Sermon Something Big Is Happening Here. Ephesians 1:3-14 begins with the pronouncement of a blessing upon God in response to the abundant ways in which God has blessed us (verse 3). His Body: The Fullness of Him Who Fills All in All. And in like manner it may fairly be questioned, whether angels were more conversant than men with God's plan of mercy towards this fallen creation; whether they were not left, like the Jews themselves, to read out from types and figures the scheme of human salvation. God's wisdom is displayed equally in bringing you in that way, and in bringing me in another way. angels are gainers by the Church because they get nearer to the throne of God than they were before. With faculties keener and more elevated than ours, faculties that have never been blunted by sin, they can perceive the various contrivances of God's skill both in the animate and the inanimate world. But if angels are represented as bending over the ark if they are spoken of as desiring to look, rather than as actually looking, sure]y you may suppose, that previously to the Incarnation the mysteries of redemption were no more discovered to them than to men, but that they, as well as the Jews, were required to decipher a vast assemblage of types, and to gather from Divine intimations the splendid appointments of mercy. Certainly they acquire increased knowledge. Let us now look at the duty that devolves upon Church members to support and maintain one another's characters. John Piper Sep 29, 1985 10 Shares Sermon. Blue Letter Bible is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and PowerPoints for Preaching on Ephesians 3:10. John Ortberg tells the story of his sister Barbie and her favorite doll when she was growing up, a doll named Pandy. ( B) with every spiritual blessing in Christ. -------------------- He need not confine himself to one single spot in God's universe, but with rapid wings he can steer far and wide over the infinity of space. THE INSTRUCTION CONVEYED BY THE CHURCH IS "THE GREATLY DIVERSIFIED WISDOM OF GOD." 2. If the Churches of Christ are without instruction, we cannot expect that either men or angels will learn anything of the wisdom of God from them. Our text seems to require us to suppose cherubim and seraphim bending over the earth, as under the Jewish law their golden emblems bent over the ark, and searching with intense earnestness into the display of the Divine wisdom there presented. Their greater moral refinement would also fit them the better for this review. Pauline Epistles Pauline Epistles This was the problem on which angelic wisdom had been vainly expended. To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. It is this that they so much admire and wonder at. 4. A. Abraham was chosen by God to bring forth the nation through which the Son of God would be born. I believe there will be found evidence at the last of the wisdom of God in the very date, the very place, the very means in and by which every soul is brought to believe in Jesus; and angels will, no doubt, be able to perceive in every conversion some singular marks of beautiful originality proceeding from the inexhaustible Artist of Grace, the Holy Spirit. Intro. -------------------- Far More Than You Think. The New Testament I suppose that even Newton, and Kepler, and Locke, and those mighty master spirits, would be mere infants compared with seraphs. The Gospels In climbing or in descending a lofty mountain, one is struck with the sudden change of views. Paul's Apostleship to the Gentiles: Introduction, Angels -- Scholars of the Kingdom of Christ, Example of God's Manifold Wisdom and Power, God's Purpose in the Ultimate Revelation of His Grace, The Church the Means of Angelic Enlightenment, The Church The Means Of Angelic Enlightenment, God's purpose in the ultimate revelation of His grace, Angels -- scholars of the kingdom of Christ, Example of God's manifold wisdom and power. Do you not think, too, that perhaps they can see God better in Christ than even they did before?
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