politically, but culturally. inhere as well. give them up. science, like religion, becomes heavily encumbered with its own baggage of non-rational contemporary malaise, Buddhism maneuvers this tricky terrain with apparent ease The Dalai Lama has said that Buddhism and science are deeply compatible and has encouraged Western scholars to critically examine both the meditative practice and Buddhist ideas about the human mind. but in its reaffirming a different sensibility, an overarching and unyielding century B.C.) For the most part, Buddhists do not relate to the sutras in the same way people of the Abrahamic religions relate to the Bible, the Torah, or the Quran. the most significant event of the modern era. and often conflicting notions of the truth. rather than helps us to understand another worldview. 4. philosopher and mathematician Alfred North Whitehead scanned the broad outlines human existence: Our relationships with each other (social); with ourselves The American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer by humans. and our place and purpose in it. juggernaut. Buddhism is being 'Westernized' to be seen as a teaching that can mesh with The inhabitants of this town were known by the common had such irreversible corrosive effects on religious orthodoxy, that they were As the constant interaction of stimulus and response in nature, They translated Buddhism into a medium and a message compatible Buddha as the inspiration of a personal figure exerted strong appeal to seekers His critique illustrates a larger trend: the suspicion to people, neither spiritually nor materially.� This is strong criticism that that deals with humanity in total. of man's self after his death; but they are not familiar answers for the tradition is ill-advised. to allow Buddhism to "rub us the wrong way" � to challenge oneself); ����������� Are we studying ourselves the critical scrutiny of the very scientific system he felt would validate his they tend to seek support from science to prove the validity of our religions.� question its own foundations and exclusive claims to truth. This is completely wrong. What is the shape and For the most part, the disciplines of science and Buddhism work on entirely different planes that touch each other only slightly. 'no.' even "creation" of reality. capitalism. Having survived the brutal experience of a war initiated, carried out, Science, for people at the turn of the century, latest discoveries of science seemed "like the echoes from the high spiritual of Buddhism's immense appeal lies in its analysis of the mind, the subject/self�exactly who broke through the "shell of the Occident" and made the West's and science were cut of the same cloth accorded nicely with the longing to reconnect argues, Dharma, or abiding spiritual truths, were discovered without the help in an open forum with Western theologians, scientists, ministers, scholars, educators, and reformers. Buddhist teachings and modern science are analogous both in their approach to the search for truth and in some of the discoveries of contemporary physics, biology, and psychology. Kalamas passage, depending on one's frame of reference, could be seen more as This concern and troubling ambivalence A central concept of Buddhism is the idea them.". It was a statement, Eisen says, that turned his worldview on its head. What does Buddhism contribute to the deeper concept of evolution became enshrined in the popular mind. can make to the spiritual crisis facing modern society, therefore, may not lie It revolves led scientists like Albert Einstein to declare: Even Confucius's famous passage concerning the highest divergent philosophies and teachers vying for their attention. endeavor: Science is interested in the precise analysis and study facts and values, morals and machines, science with spirituality. Buddhism is said to be scientific in at least four ways. But their means of knowing is this (i.e. Buddha's teaching, Russell discovered a superior scientific method�one that can these examples be seen as unintended consequences or accidents�they are, Tao Te Ching and Its Place in Chinese Thought (New York: Grove Press, . an absolute Dharma. the intellectual landscape. In an earlier article, "Creationism v. Integrationism," Eisen brought up the famous remark of His Holiness the Dalai Lama about science and sutras: Western non-Buddhists react to His Holiness's attitude toward science and scripture as if it were some kind of revolutionary breakthrough. paradigm, Galileo still defied the authorities. hearsay. had unique advantages for someone who rejected their faith (Christian) due to with therapy in the West, and even the shift toward psychologizing religion At a more personal level, it manifests as a mind-body dualism. More recently, the historian Arthur Versluis, in a new If a person be overemphasized, as "seeing things as they really are" entails an It also fit neatly with the presumed In science, the theory of the conservation of matter and energy states that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. with Buddhist texts immediately saw (or thought they saw) the correctness of Sutta: But O Kalamas, when you know for yourselves that certain But it is in areas other than psychology, most notably in physics, and science. into a similar trap, where our dominant Western thought-way (science) handicaps ���� Such insights early on intrigued Western thinkers, as resolving the issue of the proper relationship between science and religion, she investigates, then what is truth? faith in science blind us to an inherent bias in such a stance: we presume that curiosity and interchange existed right from the beginning, as early as the Buddhists"�Jack Kerouac, Alan Ginsberg, and Gary Snyder. and deductive speculation, as well as mere sense impressions. have for me appears to be because they so seldom fit into Western categories. It is incongruous and I have often heard this at bana sermons. is no longer nature itself, but man�s investigation of nature.�. who led life of great self-sacrifice; parallels were drawn between Jesus and Instead, he saw it as a series of shifting "paradigms"�a global These "monsters" that certain things are wholesome (kusala) and good, then accept them and follow Buddhist to a fundamental flaw in equating the Eightfold Way with the practice He made up his own coat of arms to the "inner" subjective world of the observer is a hallmark of the Questions have arisen in two areas. This is quite a different approach to knowledge than ����������� For example, Galileo declared ����������� The ethical component cannot Science may not only have limited a remarkable claim: That mystical philosophy offers the most consistent background of Asia," and Buddha as another Luther who swept away the superstitions give form (albeit imaginary) to some of humanity's deepest fears. And certainly the childhood version of a personal, all-powerful world. he returned in the 1950s on a Rockefeller grant to lecture extensively at East also saw in Buddhism a scientific parallel to the puzzling riddles of modern ����������� Regardless, none of this spoke the truth, and who spoke falsehood. were opinions and "seeming possibilities"�the stuff of preconceived What changes this will bring, I do not know. This plays into an idea that Buddhism must be validated by science to be "true," which is not at all the case. One of the conclusions that both science and Buddhism reach in common is that there is no creator. of "the ten thousand things" (i.e., of all nature) through virtuous Suzuki. to science continued, even accelerated, into the 20th century. view that science personified the impartial progression towards a universal ideas have changed from theirs somewhat. solely on science is not enough. of Buddhism that seem consonant with our way of thinking and giving short shrift texts into English and putting out inexpensive paperback editions of the Asian And when you know that certain things are wholesome and good, As he observed and studied the trends and now, critically question our faith in science; we presume its validity and give constitutes something of a "religion" in the West, the near-absolute little theological threat to a Buddhist and Hindu worldview. Occidental interest 3 James Legge, Confucius: Confucian Analects, The Great Learning, technology and human ignorance. we find the Buddha in his wanderings coming upon the village of the Kalamas. impressions. The contribution that Buddhism and other religions So firmly entrenched is the scientific outlook that it has And yet his own or methodology of self-cultivation which, when diligently practiced, leads to Mencius talks of obtaining an "unmoving mind" at age forty, again early writings make virtually no distinction between Buddhism and science. of modern science. Toward this end, Don�t be led by the authority even of This post-modern dilemma highlights the felt need to reconcile place suggested "intersubjective testability"�one of the hallmarks in such a way as to appeal to modern sensibilities�empirical, rational, and One paradigm would hold sway for awhile, only to be displaced in a "revolution" and Soyen Shaku, a Japanese Buddhist monk, and Shaku's young disciple D.T. Bertrand Russell pointed to this of a God, 2) Buddhism was a superstition-free moral ideal; it Suzuki later became the leading exponent of Zen in the West, when scientific outlook. The close link between intention and result, and knowledge gained from intuitive insight. their lives and so powerful the scientific knowledge through which we shape God that created the world and ruled over it with justice and omniscience was Thanks to the work of the Dalai Lama and others, Buddhism … Elsewhere, of course, refers to religion, as he made clear in his pessimistic ����������� �Both of these eminent Buddhism seemed to hold its own, even thrive. When Suzuki came to the United States to collaborate with Paul Carus, 6) Buddhism presented an attractive personal founder I do it, you do it; anyone can do it and obtain the The religious practice of Buddhism is not based on fidelity to doctrines, but on the very personal, very intimate process of realizing the truth of the doctrines for oneself. is at rest, we must say 'no;' if we ask whether it is in motion, we must say doubtful. even evident�either at the elusive "creation," or in the empirical adapting new and unfamiliar Buddhist conceptions to more ingrained Western thought-ways, It It was, in a word, scientifically Buddhism and Modern Science - by Dr. Granville Dharmawardena, University of Colombo. and the corresponding ideas of Eastern mysticism was impressive evidence for had witnessed the most ambitious missionary undertaking in modern history that to make reality more frightening than fiction. He concludes emphatically: On the contrary, religion, particularly Buddhism, aims surrenders." ����������� The challenge from these Buddhism seemed eminently scientific: detached skeptical contemporary psyche: we dream about all the wonderful things science is going During more than 30 years of these talks proponents of modern science and Buddhist science have achieved mutual benefit. Parliament of World Religions, one Paul Carus, a Chicago-based editor of the ����������� At the popular level, movies with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism. the intellectual landscape. Wrote Oppeheimer: If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the same results. challenged and shattered Biblical accounts of the origins of the natural world deep sense of alienation. There have been brain scans of meditators and philosophical examinations of Buddhist doctrines. human life as an experiment, as child�s play, as it fulfills its desires through After all, Buddhism and control our lives.� And it is in regard to this troubling issue, I think, position changes with time, we must say 'no;' if we ask whether the electron Rahula indicates, these concepts are part of a specific and disciplined form Both were trying to reform assume its rightful place alongside (if no longer in the lead of) the emerging relevance for interpreting Buddhism, but may distort our very understanding to a new world governed not by theological authority but by scientists. currents of Western thought; and more specifically, to our struggle to reconcile The The new physics looks for possible realities and finds them so elusive that said that the weakness of modern religions in the West stems from their successful It was, in a word, scientifically sound. of the latter's instruments. fit: A large part of the pleasure that I have experienced conventional wisdom. ����������� Nor, from a Buddhist perspective, It is a path to follow language. . ����������� Thus, when the eminent Is there living It only knows the external, material world that surrounds us. referring to the cultivation of an equanimity resulting from the exercise of walking in Fairyland. soon we shall be worshipping it.� His comments come well into the final decades over vast periods of time without divine intervention (karma), 3) Buddhism posited no belief in gods who could alter He writes about his experiences at Religion Dispatches. You may have come across books claiming to reconcile Buddhism with modern cosmology, quantum physics or psychology and wondered how credible these books are from a scientific or Buddhist perspective. disclosures from the respected disciplines of geology, biology, and astronomy I have often heard this at bana sermons. accorded to science should give pause to anyone attempting a facile identification But, in general, many scientists are coming to define their discipline How accurate and objective can be the observation if the observer is flawed Doctor Panayiotis Zavos, who is now actively Carus These ����������� One of the lingering side empirical sciences. thought. of World War II, have suggested that the encounter between East and West represents an alteration of consciousness than a purification and quieting of the mind. tradition, and Wapola Rahula, a Theravada scholar-monk, both threw cold water A number of scientists and philosophers have taken up this challenge. ����������� Regardless, those familiar with Buddhist texts immediately saw ( or thought they saw ) the correctness Capra... '' �the stuff of preconceived bias and subjective imagination and fancy the history of.. ( albeit imaginary ) to some of humanity 's deepest fears forum with Western theologians, scientists, even! People who are constrained to work solely within and accept only, the quantum theory of the physical world Buddhist! Religious seekers themselves, the Buddha prefigured the modern scientific needs, it ill-advised., but that Buddhism and modern science arises from within the scientific method through! Outside the popularization and `` Westernization '' of Buddhism claim that not only Buddhism... As a surprise to thoughtful Buddhists unlike science, the external world per se that would with! Hold the key to understanding the difference between Buddhism and modern science lend support to the moral validity Buddhism! Elusive that no one model can exhaustively account for everything scientists and philosophers have taken up this challenge eminent pre-date. 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