For most of the 2000s, the interest rates that Greece faced were similar to those faced by Germany. "This article deals with the migration of undocumented workers from Albania and Poland to Greece. The how refers to how an individual, a member of our society, becomes entangled in this form of antisocial deviance. However, it warns against the romantic tendencies implicit in the notion of 'spaces of care', emphasizing that what for one person may operate as a 'space of care' might, for another, be experienced as a space of fear. I will leave that up to you to grade the coin based on the high resolution scan. In 2011, Greece was below the EU average of 24.9% in social expenditure. Challenges to Desecuritizing Migration in Greece, Albanian immigrants in Thessaloniki, Greece: Processes of economic and social incorporation, Greece: Policing racist violence in the 'fenceless vineyard', Photographing the “Other”: Immigration and New Images of the Greek Ethnic “Self”, Greek Policy towards Immigration and Immigrants, European Opinion About Immigration: The Role of Identities, Interests and Information, Female, barbarian, and slave: Migrant women in modern Greece, New Patterns of Global Security in the Twenty-First Century, Socio-Spatial Dynamics and Exclusion of Three Immigrant Groups in the Athens Conurbation, Muslim Immigrants in Greece: Religious Organization and Local Responses, The political discourse on immigration in Southern Europe: A critical analysis, Securitization and Minority Rights: Conditions of Desecuritization, Burma's civil war: A case of societal security, Migration in Southern Europe and the Case of Greece, Trafficking and Prostitution: The Growing Exploitation of Migrant Women in Greece, Albanian and Polish Undocumented Workers in Greece: a Comparative Analysis, The movement of hostility during recovery from depression, Psychometric Properties of the Revised Death Attitude Profile in a Greek Sample of Nurses. The interplay of these processes operates differently within different ethnic groups of women to produce different outcomes. between China and its neighbors. During the 1980s, the Greek government had pursued expansionary fiscal and monetary policies. P. Tsartas, M. Gianissopoulou, P. Kafetsis and E. Manologlou, Macedonia and Balkans: However, acceptance into the Eurozone was conditional. The Gr-DAP-R can be used as a research and clinical tool in assessing death attitudes among Greek nurses. individual interests based account of the trade–peace relationship, we find that outgroup hostility, not economic interdependence, Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. We argue that the official policies of the Greek state and public pronouncements of political leaders helped foster and perpetuate an interpretation of migration centred on threat, fear, criminality and security. In 2010, U.S. financial rating agencies stamped Greek bonds with a "junk" grade. It was about that time John began to identify violence and fear with respect and domination. Greece: processes of economic and social incorporation', Journal of Ethnic Migration Quoted in Henry Kamm, 'Kakavia Journal: with nothing to lose, Albanians invade Greece', Comparison of admission, discharge and mid-treatment scores showed that: (1) There was a larger drop in depression score in the first half of treatment. The analysis is based on the method of qualitative content analysis, which makes use of thematic categories and draws on the proceedings of the Greek parliament. These austerity measures created a vicious cycle of recession with unemployment reaching 25.4% in August 2012. In that sense, Western capitalism has triumphed over both communism and Third World ideology. Grexit, short for "Greek exit," refers to Greece's potential withdrawal from the Euro-zone and the reintroduction of the drachma as its currency. See also Barry Buzan, 'New patterns of global security in the synthesis', in Vincenzo Ruggiero, Nigel South and Ian Taylor (eds), The New European International human rights law grants minorities the same basic human rights and freedoms enjoyed by others. The Greek government took measures in the late 1980s and 1990s to reduce the number of state-owned businesses and to revitalize the economy through a plan of privatization. Methods: Both these new concepts have been the subject of criticism, as too the idea that a presumption of non-participation status should apply in cases of doubt. Media in category "Greece in the 1990s" The following 22 files are in this category, out of 22 total. As a percentage of GDP, Greece’s social spending expenditures were 10.3% in 1980, 19.3% in 2000 and 23.5% in 2011, whereas Germany’s social expenditures during the same periods were 22.1%, 26.6%, and 26.2%, respectively. The conservative New Democracy party of Constantine Mitsotakis, was elected, defeating the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) of Andreas Papandreou.In order to be able to command a majority of 151 in the 300-seat Parliament, New Democracy had to secure the support of Theodoros Katsikis, Democratic Renewal's sole MP. We argue that this policy is defined by the commitments and the obligations undertaken by Greece as a member of the EU, but also by the number, the ethnic composition, the economic and social situation of immigrants, the attitudes of Greeks towards them and, also, the effects of their presence. During and after economic crises voters seem to be attracted by narratives constructed around feelings of national insecurity and varieties of political rhetoric that blame minorities and foreigners for the consequences of the crisis. I do not attach a grade to the coin as grading is very subjective. This article shows that applying social identity theory to the societal security concept helps remedy these weaknesses and closes the theoretical gaps that the Copenhagen school has left open. Study 1 assessed which. The article shows that economic migration from Albania and Poland to Greece is primarily an economically triggered phenomenon which results from both individual rational choices and social, structural settings, and which verifies a general tendency of mass flows, characteristic of the era of disorganized capitalism." Officially called the Hellenic Republic, Greece is an absolutely stunning country. Any civilian activity, In the Greek market, the recent liberalisation process from a single state-owned audit body up to the establishment of private auditing entities (local and foreign) resulted in the hiring of a vast amount of certified auditors. 'Symbolic' predispositions, such as preferences for cultural unity, have a stronger statistical effect than economic dissatisfaction. There is no universally accepted definition of “minorities” under international, European Union (EU), or generally under domestic laws. Wishing to shed light on how national contexts impact transnational solidarity organising, we draw on a fresh set of cross-national evidence from a random sample of 277 transnational solidarity organisations (TSOs) in Greece, Germany, and Denmark. 'The limitations of official statistics in relation to the criminality of migrants in Greece', Police An attempt at Immigration's part in the reconfiguration of citizenship: the Greek case' , paper presented at the Second LSE PhD Symposium on Modern Greece, London School of Economics and Political ScienceAlbanian and Polish undocumented workers in Greece: a comparative analysis. The Byzantine Empire was restored by the Palaiologosdynasty in 1261, but it was a sha… This article concentrates on the rapid growth of trafficking in women from Eastern and Central Europe who end up working in the sex industry in Athens. 22(2/3), July 2003, p. 156; and Panos Hatziprokopiou, 'Albanian immigrants in Thessaloniki, •to examine whether or not the recent economic crisis has raised xenophobic sentiments and behaviours of Greeks against any kind of “οthers” and/or immigrants; Us? greece 1990, 100 drachmas, vf, alexander the great - vergina sun coin (1 item) $2.80 Greek Coin – 100 Drachmas , Year 1990 “King of Macedonians" – ( The data used is produced in the context of the TRANSSOL project by a new methodological approach (action organisation analysis) based on hubs-retrieved organisational websites and their subsequent content analysis. 47.1, Luxembourg, 1997; and SORA, Attitudes Towards Minority Groups in the European Union: A Special Analysis of the Eurobarometer 2000 Opinion Poll on Behalf of the European Monitoring, Centre of Racism and Xenophobia. On the basis of this common feature, they have been grouped together in recent discussions of migration experiences and prospects. An attempt at synthesis. Nouray Ibryamova, 'Migration from Central and Eastern Europe and societal security in the Criminality or criminalisation of immigrants in Greece? cit. Over the course of the decade, Greek public opinion and elite rhetoric were clearly characterized by a sense of danger and threat, both to Greek national culture as well as to individuals' own personal security. Evaluating Greek immigration policies since the 1990s' , unpublished paper, Hellenic Observatory, European Institute. Eurozone membership helped the Greek government to borrow cheaply and to finance its operations in the absence of sufficient tax revenues. In 1986 the Single European Act is signed. Based on 135 interviews with three of the main immigrant nationalities in Athens, including Albanians, Egyptians and Filipinos, this article explores immigrants’ ‘place’ in the city. However, the Greek economy was suffering structural problems prior to adopting the single currency, and the economy was left to collapse—although not without its reasons. cit., p. 23. These lower interest rates allowed Greece to borrow at a much cheaper rate than before 2001, fueling an increase in spending. Resistance to the Criminalization of Migration: Migrant Protest in Greece: Lived Experiences in a Transnational World, Strange Homelands: Encountering the Migrant on the Contemporary Greek Stage. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. The establishment of Catholic Latin states on Greek soil, and the struggles of the Orthodox Byzantine Greeks against them, led to the emergence of a distinct Greek national identity. ESS data is archived and These differences have important implications for future patterns of migration and of articulation of the labour markets of receiving countries with those of specific sending countries. J. Simon and Keri W. Sikich, 'Public attitudes towards immigrants and immigration policies ideal venue for such a test. cities of Athens and Thessaloniki', paper presented at the British Sociological Association [35] Mantouvalou, op. Like other members of the EU, Greek authorities have tried twice, in 1997 and in 2001, to legalize the illegal immigrants. Pragmatism against austerity: Greek society, politics and ethnography in times of trouble, in D. Dalakoglou and G. Agelopoulos (eds)., Critical Times in Greece: Anthropological Engagements with the Crisis, Routledge, 2018. The recession weakened Greece’s already paltry tax revenues, which caused the deficit to worsen. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Waever, Barry Buzan, Morten Kelstrup and Pierre Lemaitre (eds), Identity, Migrations and the survey research on opinion toward China as a security threat in Australia. Papandreou up to old mischief, riling outsiders to hide home ills. (3) In the 1990s, food consumptions have evolved; Australia's wine and milk consumption is now similar to Italy and Greece; consumption of wheat, olive oil, vegetables, fruits and fish are lower; consumption of potato, pulses, other vegetable oils and meat are higher than Italy or Greece. The main social security fund, the Social Insurance Institute (IKA), is prone to recurrent funding crises. and Pandelis Kiprianos, Stathis Balias and Vaggelis Passas, 'Greek policy towards immigration In addition to the basic principles of nondiscrimination and equality in law and in fact that apply to all, additional legal principles inherent in the notion of a minority have evolved, such as the r… and immigrants', Social Policy and Administration, 37(2), April 2003, pp. Moreover, many Albanians convert to Orthodox Christianity, adopt Greek Christian names and use the Greek language exclusively in order to assimilate. ; and Greece defaulted in the amount of €1.6 billion to the IMF in 2015. However, rather than strengthening the economy, the country suffered soaring inflation rates, high fiscal and trade deficits, low growth rates, and exchange rate crises. Kakavia Journal: with nothing to lose, Albanians invade Greece. Thus, the most influential securitizing actors, with the required societal currency, know-how, and status, are usually political elites such as those in government (Waever 1995). To get you started, here are 21 of my favorite fun facts about Greece. Moreover, when immigrants are working, they are disproportionately engaged in low-skilled activities. distributed by Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD). In 2004, the Greek government admitted that it had fudged its budget figures in order to join the Eurozone and boost its economy. One of the key reasons for an optimistic outlook is the extensive economic ties which exist The structure of Australia’s This served to worsen Greece’s trade balance, increasing its current account deficit. cit., p. 255. We code the images based on whether they include visual representations of the border and immigration enforcement, whether illegality and/or criminal behavior is shown or implied, and the activities in which the immigrants are engaged. immigrants', The Review of Economics and Statistics, 88(3), August 2006. This aid came from all sectors of Greek society: from the state, from the … Greek, but... ": dealing with the Greek -Albanian border among the Albanianspeaking Christians of Southern Albania', Southern European and Black Sea Studies, 4(1), Racism and Discrimination against Immigrants and Minorities in Greece: The State of Play, Hellenic League for Human Rights. By the term “policy” we mean both the legal framework concerning immigration and the practices of Greek authorities and their agencies regarding immigrants. Greece mainland and the Greek islands have some of the favorite holiday destinations in Europe. Lazaridis and Eugenia Wickens, 'The experiences of different ethnic minorities in the Greek While Greece had structural issues in the form of corrupt tax evasion practices, Eurozone membership allowed the country to hide from these problems for a time but ultimately created an economic straitjacket and an insurmountable debt crisis evidenced by the country's massive default. On Law 1975/1991, see Ibid. In this respect, it uses Greece as a case study and draws on material gathered through interviews with Greek security professionals in Athens, Lesvos, Orestiada, and Alexandroupoli, and analysis of their discourse in dissertations they prepared during their study in police academies. Less widely acknowledged but equally prevalent, however, is a parallel rise in the 'urge to care'; evident in the growing number of night shelters, hostels and day centres emerging in recent years to provide shelter and sustenance to homeless people. On the other hand, recent studies have shown that the situation of the immigrants has started to improve. According to a venerable strand of thought among policymakers and scholars alike, trading In this context, the policy is characterized by dilemmas and hesitations. PIP millennium: ethnic-Greek Albanians and "other" Albanians in Greece', in Floya Anthias and It began in 2008 and peaked between 2010 and 2012. In 1981, Greece becomes the 10th member of the EU and Spain and Portugal follow five years later. What have been the rhetorical tropes they use? Over the last decade, the unprecedented influx of refugees and migrants into the European Union has posed a significant challenge to Europe, with solidarity being contested at two fronts: first, the question of solidarity with refugees in terms of meeting adequate measures of protection and satisfying their elementary needs; and second, the question of solidarity within the European Union in terms of sharing the costs and burden of hosting these refugees among the member states. Title Director Cast Genre … After coming to each other’s aid after a devastating earthquake that hit both countries in 1999, their relationship has improved. Her research interests include the comparative politics of Southern Greece: human rights developments',, We argue that this initial period of securitization—and its corresponding discourse of criminality, policing and danger—was succeeded by elite attempts to ‘desecuritize’ migration and reframe the issue in terms of social inclusion and integration, at least with respect to legal migrants. distributed by Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD). The new element of this research is that each variable examined has a definite potential impact on the credibility of the independence of the Greek certified auditors. It is shown that Muslims in Greece include not only economic migrants but also an indigenous population residing in the northern part of the country. Sixteen depressed in-patients from a hospital in Athens were assessed using the Hamilton Rating Scale and the Hostility and Direction of Hostility Questionnaire. Most tourists to Greece come from Europe, especially the EU countries, and from the USA, whi… The living and working spaces of these women rest upon their isolation and individuation and total control of their everyday activities. The ramifications of these findings for policy makers are discussed in the context of current debates about immigration and European integration. hold ethnic animosity in check is echoed in scholarly literature. Experience, Centre for Social Morphology and Social Policy/Gutenberg, Athens, 1998 (in The coin is in raw uncertified condition and is a very nice coin. Interpreting this response from the perspective of societal security, we analyse both public opinion data and elite discourse. A number of other unrelated studies and surveys help to substantiate this argument. Societal security, state security and internationalisation. cit., p. 71; Human Rights Watch, To do so, we collect a unique dataset of images appearing in three major national news magazines’ articles about, Research examining juror perceptions of juveniles tried as adults has provided mixed results, with some studies providing evidence of bias against juveniles tried as adults, and others finding no evidence of this bias. (1) 1 product ratings - Greece 1990 - 100 Drachmes Alu-Bronze Coin, Macedonia - Alexander the Great - #1 3 -4. At recovery, the Greeks were significantly more extrapunitive. Crime rates have been reduced and xenophobia is losing ground. Characteristics of Greece's major source countries differ from those of other countries of southern Europe (1) in that they are former communist countries that appear to have a long and difficult road of economic transition ahead, (2) with respect to proximity, and (3) in terms of dominance of a single source country. (2) Hostility scores, except for extrapunitiveness, decreased significantly over, Background and purpose: Tax revenues weakened, which made Greece’s fiscal position worse. Although in 2000 a peace dialogue began between the military regime and the opposition party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), these talks have not only stalled, but also the Burmanisation approach has continued. As a result of his father's ongoing abusive acts towards his mother, John noted how his mother always treated his father with absolute respect through innate fear and grew up identifying extreme violence with power, respect, and reverence. This is due to the attitudes of Greek opinion and concerns about the possibility that the immigrants could in the long term create problems of national integration. The article therefore suggests that ‘managing’ securitized issues might be more profitable than trying to ‘transform’ them. Xenophobia and racism increased with the rise of the number of immigrants but never became a salient topic in Greek politics, as newly arriving immigrants from neighbouring countries were perceived as temporary and a Greek 'ethos of hospitality and solidarity' still prevailed in public sentiments (Kiprianos et al., 2003; ... 22 At the same time, Greek mass attitudes during this period were marked by a preference for cultural homogeneity and a security perception of migrants connecting migrants to increasing levels of crime. This study analyses the political discourse on immigration in Greece, Italy and Spain, with a view to highlighting how discourse is organised and, in particular, the use of ingroup and outgroup categories in it. The European Union (EU) is a group of countries that acts as one economic unit in the world economy. We find that the press frequently portrays immigrants as undocumented, presenting images of the border as well as immigrant arrests and detentions. 1991-04-01 ca-16-00-00 Mo N6701 D-600 Thess-1445-0 Drama-18h01 Istanb7h50p34 FWH600dpi -2GrdKp10.jpg 2,910 × 1,940; 284 KB Press, New York, 1993, p. 25. The latter state in turn often produces a desire to assimilate or eliminate the opposing group, particularly in the case of backward groups who may experience a sense of hostility towards groups perceived as forward at a level of intensity quite disproportionate to any actual threat.1. Results of Study 1 showed that men endorsed some stereotypes to a greater extent for the juvenile tried as an adult compared to the other defendants, while women did not. While Greece was accepted to the EMU in 2001, it did so under false pretenses as its deficit and debt were nowhere near within the Maastricht limits. Factors like negotiating auditing fee, professional sanctions, legal liability, fear of loss of reputation and clientele as a result of inappropriate auditing behaviour. Parsanoglou and Miltos Pavlou (eds), Immigrants in Greece, Ellinika Grammata, Athens, 2001. Its principal exports include food (especially fruit and nuts), clothing and apparel, machinery, and refined petroleum and petroleum … Rossetos Fakiolas, 'Migration and unregistered labour in the Greek economy', in Russell King, The present research aimed to clarify this issue by examining the roles of generic prejudice and emotion in jurors’ judgments of juveniles tried as adults. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, (In)securitization and illiberal practices on the fringe of the EU, Transnational Solidarity, Migration, and the Refugee Crisis: (In)Formal Organising and Political Environments in Greece, Germany, and Denmark, Securitizing Migration in the European Union: Greece and the Evros Fence, Urban policies in Athens at a time of crisis, 19. Studies, 29(6), November 2003, p. 1034. This policy has received support from the Greek people and political parties of both the left and right. Are you joking? One driving factor of these contestations is that the solidarity challenge in facing the ‘refugee crisis’ is taken up differently in transit countries in the South of Europe and destination countries in the North. As capital began to dry up, Greece faced a liquidity crisis, forcing the government to seek bailout funding, which they eventually received with staunch conditions. Thus, this paper uses the (in)securitization theoretical framework, and the (in)securitization process that took place in Greece in 2012 as a case study. In recent decades, the southern European countries of Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece have all undergone transformation from senders to receivers of migrants. This newest American terrorist recruit has just been propelled into a life of radical extremism through several social variables that ultimately paved the way for what began as an innocent impressionable child subjected to multiple violent family issues to an individual seeking social acceptance from anyone who offered a perception of understanding and personal involvement.
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