In my opinion, Chemical. Are test pilots. The one that you hate or don't like is the hardest one. I'm sure this will be a civil and constructive conversation. The Hardest College Majors. If some of you reply and don't have flair, reply with your major. Coding some complex ml algo might be more mathematically intensive than turbocharging an engine but that doesn't mean one is easier than the other. Please, no answers saying "the one you're least interested in". Looking for the best colleges to pursue an engineering degree? This major encompasses the design, creation, manufacturing, and the analysis of different mechanical systems. I don't know who to nominate tbh. It is a blend of art, science and technology. Nuclear for example has most of the core classes of Mechanical Engineering and a few Materials Science and Physics courses (Thermo + Fluid Mechanics + E&M and sometimes Quantum). If you get your degree from certain schools – such as Columbia University, United States … At my school the rigor of their courses combined with the credit load was just insane. Hours of sleep: 6.25. Median annual pay: $98,340. Just because math is hard/easy doesn't mean the engineering is hard/easy. So after you get used to it? Engineering is much more than doing bunch of math sums. Is Engineering the Hardest Major? What engineering major do you think is the most difficult and why? So, what in your humble opinion, is the hardest engineering major? When choosing your engineering major, make sure to focus on application, professional growth, and your ambitions. What is the hardest Engineering major? I work in aircraft design at one of the big three defense companies and the only people that are paid better than rf engineers (excluding program managers, directors, etc.) Their masters degree program may not have posed that serious challenge. Another thing that affects the hardest engineering major ranking is the actual school future engineers are attending. The hardest engineering majors in Denmark, looking at dropout rates, are Electronic Engineering, Physics-Technology and Maths-Technology (a mixture between Applied Physics/Mathematics and Engineering) and Mechanical Engineering, all of them having a dropout rate of >30%. Relevance. Read on to discover what are considered the easiest and hardest engineering majors that you can pursue in college. I'd say in common engineering disiplines it goes Civil-->CS-->Mechanical-->Electrical-->Chemical. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 2. Read below to find out the hardest business majors. I'm biased and love physics and for some reason Nuclear Physics gets me going, but I'd never want to touch Chemistry ever again or look at another circuit that looks like a damn butterfly. Let's have a look at the top ten hardest degrees. It’s a very difficult major, but the pay is very good. As such, they earn an average early career salary of $60,775.When they reach the middle of their careers and have more years on the job, the average salary for computer engineers is $104,749. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Both the Civil and Electronic engineers seem to have much bigger workloads than we do, so probably one of those. I wish I can visit your country. Curious about your chances of acceptance to your dream school? People who signed up for a shit sandwich in exchange for 60 - 80k a year are more likely to stay when their meal comes out. Choosing a college major is a big decision for your future. Haha. I’m a ChemE sophomore (going on to junior year), so I haven’t taken any of the core classes yet; but afaik, I don’t think chemEs have to memorize what reaction is occurring (the problem will tell you). Anecdotal here but it seems that rf might be the rarest skillset. Nuclear, Engineering Physics, Chemical, Electrical (in no specific order). I am just about to finish physics II pretty soon and I still don't know how Faraday, Gauss, Hertz, and Coulomb came up with all this shit. Anyway, in my humble opinion, I think chemical engineering is the hardest ( I am currently a computer engineering major). An easy major for one student can be one of the hardest majors in college for another student. Can we at least all agree Packaging engineering is the easiest? What I am referring to by hardest is: *learning curve (how long does it take to learn and to understand most of the material). Isnt a sanitation engineer a trash collector? So yeah, it comes down to personal preference. They spend an average of 19.66 hours studying each week. Favorite Answer. The following is the list of hardest majors, from the least hard to the hardest. And you can even become an astronautical engineer. (Found out the last one the hard way last week), Chemical Engineering is also up there, as there seems to be so much stuff to memorize and then a ton of theory as well. In this video I give my thoughts on whether or not engineering is the hardest undegraduate major. For me, things like orbital mechanics, Machine dynamics, Aerodynamics and thermodynamics is challenging but not too hard to ask someone to do. justinian. Computer engineering is the sixth hardest engineering major. Is electrical engineering the hardest degree? Most people are in ChemE for the money, not because of their innate passion for the subject.. In my opinion electrical engineering is one of the hardest engineering majors because it is more magical in nature, that is you cannot directly see everything happening like you could in mechanical engineering, and all the classes are challenging. Which is completely valid, there’s no such thing as an easy degree and each comes with its own difficulties. Because of this, the path has a notoriously high dropout rate some have pegged as high as 60% per year. Take my opinion with a grain of salt though, as I’ve not taken upper division courses yet. There are six main branches of engineering: Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Management, and Geotechnical. ? In our list, the second-hardest college degree and a hardest engineering degree in chemical engineering; understudies in this field spend a total of 19 hours and 40 minutes each week preparing for class. That's really the truth. I also believe that industrial engineering is the easiest engineering major (no offense, but all engineering majors are hard). Just ask your college fsae team. Civil Engineering is mostly Newtonian physics — no calculus. Electrical is a close second but thats only because really theyre concepts are so abstract. Also, I know the question I am asking "what is the hardest engineering major" is such a generic question for this sub, but I would really to rate each engineering major and see what the hardest one is. This is a place for engineering students of any discipline to discuss study methods, get homework help, get job search advice, and find a compassionate ear when you get a 40% on your midterm after studying all night. Probably Electrical Engineering especially with regards to radio technology, information, and computer science. I call it magic as well. I was thinking "this is way to risky for me to pull out loans and try to pass these insanely hard classes." Keep pushing guys/gals! The hardest engineering majors in Denmark, looking at dropout rates, are Electronic Engineering, Physics-Technology and Maths-Technology (a mixture between Applied Physics/Mathematics and Engineering) and Mechanical Engineering, all of them having a dropout rate of >30%. Of course, majors here have a lower GPA, which shows how difficult it is to pass these degree programs. The second-hardest college major and hardest engineering major is chemical engineering; students in this field spend an average of 19 hours and 40 minutes a week preparing for class. The hardest college majors are definitely worth trying, but you have to be prepared to study more than usual. Engineering is a reward and challenging profession. *I probably picked a real shitty time to ask this question because you all probably think your major is the hardest because you are busting your ass for finals. Aerospace engineers need to learn a lot of math, physics, chemistry, and even mechanical engineering. College Major: Chemical Engineering. the hardest is going to be the one you aren't interested in. Use this guide to help you with making your choice. It's just interesting to see the debate! Major are the hardest undergraduate degree in the world. This is probably the worst time to post this question because of finals. It's better to choose a major you are partially skilled at least. Answer Save. Haha. I have respect for ChemE graduates, you got to be really intelligent to get that ChemE degree. I think civil engineering is not the same thing as "civilingenjör" here in Scandinavia. Civil and constructive? generally though ChemE and/or EE are probably regarded as the hardest to get through. Easiest and Hardest Engineering Majors. If there is another college major deserving of the nickname ‘the hardest college major’, then it is the aerospace and astronautical engineering major. Engineering is one of the hardest college majors because it covers a broad range of challenging subjects, including mathematics, the sciences, and technology. For example, 52% of math majors changed their mind along with 40% of natural sciences majors. And i am in the opposite boat. Architecture, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry are the most difficult majors in the nation, according to new research. But after a year or two that stops really being a factor. I agree I am mechE and would not want to do the chem classes of ChemE. Electrical engineering is one of the hardest engineering majors because of the complexity and scope of problems evaluated throughout the major. Specifically nanotechnology, cybernetics and physics and math have the largest course load. don t say things like all engineering majors are hard and there is no such thing as hardest engineering, I just want a direct answer, what is the hardest engineering major and why do you think it … I'd say in common engineering disiplines it goes Civil-->CS-->Mechanical-->Electrical-->Chemical. From what I've seen and read, it seems the consensus is that electronic/electrical/computer engineering is the hardest, followed by chemical and mechanical. Architecture is one of the most multi-dimensional fields. If it gets to be too much don't be afraid to ask for help. How cool is that! I took a ChemE class (chemical processes, also know as mass/energy balances) and it had such a steep learning curve. We take a look at some of the most popular business majors and try to decipher which is the hardest business major. I had more reasons for changing my major though. I think if you have a good grasp of the math and a vivid imagination its not as hard as people make out. Don't they have to do a bunch of chem stuff as well? The field changes as technology evolves, so students need to be able to adapt on the fly. Chemical engineering is a wide subset of engineering that includes the design, creation, use, and transportation of synthetic compounds. I would say that makes chemE less likely to have dropouts. From chemical to civil to electrical to mechanical, the courses you take in chemistry, physics, calculus, statistics, geology, biology, and other tough pre-reqs give you the lowest rate of As and the highest rate of Cs for any major. But there's a saying, "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it." Yeah we do take Ochem etc which might involve memorization, but none of the upper division classes involve memorization. My major, Mechanical/aerospace engineering, I'd say is more middle of the road. Imho all engineering is difficult and no one field is "harder" than the other, it just depends on what you're interested in. But it does seem to me that EE and chem have a steeper learning curve or barrier of entry at the very beginning (for EE being imaginary stuff and chem just being chemistry). If you have any questions, feel free to ask us a question! When comparing any of the top 20 engineering schools in … Edit: nevermind, just read up on it and civil engineer is not the same as 'sivilingeniør'. It is a common understanding that any engineering is a difficult major and that is well put for electrical engineering. Engineers take up three of the five spots on this list of hardest working college majors, with chemical engineers being the hardest working of all. Congratulations, engineers, now you finally have some proof for what you’ve been telling everyone all along: yours is the hardest major. Although a lot of you will claim "my major is the hardest, I am an X engineering major" , I am kindly asking for most of you to put your egos aside and really give your non biased opinion on what the hardest engineering major is. A majority of students change their major before graduation, but that number is higher for those pursuing degrees that are considered to be the hardest college majors. EE (RF) That stuff is so abstract and confusing, I have spent the whole summer trying to work with it and keep getting burned by things I have no way to understand with my current knowledge. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Everyone at some point will likely feel their own degree is the hardest out there. The math is hard, the design processes are a pain, and working with a small budget is impossible. Chemical engineering is a broad subset of engineering that involves the design, production, use, and transportation of chemicals. *Highest fail rate in your school for that major (graduation rate and how many students have to retake classes and such). That being said, when you take a look at things from a strictly statistical view, we can take a look at which degrees are mathematically the toughest. My major, Mechanical/aerospace engineering, I'd say is more middle of the road. I've always been under the assumption that electrical is one of the hardest because of the insane complex mathmatics. I understand "hardest" can mean a lot of different things. I'm an EE and once you get to your Junior year we get into imaginary circuitry. The Easiest Engineering Degrees. Architecture. While all that imaginary stuff does take a while to get used to, by the time you get into 3rd year its easier than calculus cause you've practiced it so much. Aeronautical Engineering – this major is on every top 10 hardest college majors list, and for good reason. Many people argue that although still considered extremely challenging Civil Engineering is the easiest engineering degree to obtain, but that’s only part of the story. I would say that the consensus is that chemE and EE are hardest, but it's undecided which is harder. Looks like there's some bias here :). Physics 2 has convinced me that EE is magic. The hardest college majors require a significant amount of time and energy, and students may be tempted to shun these choices. Press J to jump to the feed. I fucking love Black Metal by the way! 1. The discipline tends to delve into Plasma Physics and Neutron Physics/Nuclear Reactor Theory which aren't the easiest things to learn. What about Biomed? 20 Hardest Majors in College 1. Those same people may also consider it to be one of the most difficult career choices however as the demands and levels of responsibility can far exceed other occupations. What is the most difficult type of engineering? Hardest: Biophysics, Molecular Bio ( and any other non general bio major), Physics, EE, Chem E, Math, Stats, Econ (at schools that require a math background), civil engineering. As we embrace the Internet of Things and other advances in digital technology, computer engineers are becoming more and more integral to the world. Every homework problem was like a complicated Sudoku puzzle. Under these branches are hundreds of subcategories. "Jerks and their easy major and their tons of job opportunities and their ability to start their own firm as soon as they're a PE. CivEs get to hang out watching concrete dry, and making beams collapse as their "lab. Chemical at its core is a much more precise and easy to screw up engineering discipline that requires honestly just the same level of math. IIRC civil engineering is more about buildings and constructions, Bullshit. I've also heard CSE is less math(and less difficult) than pure EE, depending on specialization. No matter your major, engineering school can be a struggle sometimes. Our team gathered data from some of the top institutions in the country to find which business major is the hardest. I do Engineering physics, that’s quite challenging due to the hefty amounts of Maths and Physics involved, as well as the core engineering courses. 1 decade ago. Though a major in petroleum engineering is more often available in post graduate courses, the recent shift to clean energy has provoked people to take during their under graduation. Mechanical Engineering is […] It is also the second most popular engineering major, with more than 31,000 undergraduate degrees handed out each year. By hardest, I mean the type of engineering that takes the most Problem solving, critical thinking, theory, ect. Therefore, each student should choose a major that aligns with their strengths, goals, and interests. ChemEs do take a class called reaction engineering which involves taking into account the kinetics of chemical reactions and applying it to the large scale, but just like any other engineering field, it just involves modeling a system with differential equations. ... AS an example, it's not your best choice to select a biomedical engineering major if you are not good in biology, chemistry, and have no connection to medicine. My boss has designed electronic products that went to market that even the best electronics engineers don't do but can't wrap his head around heat and mass transfer simulations that i do. Until you forget that you can't split a square root on addition and waste an hour trying to take the magnitude of a signal wrong and hate your life. Is this true? Most college students pursuing a major in mechanical engineering will put almost 19 hours into class preparation each week. Our free chancing engine takes into account your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and other data to predict your odds of acceptance at over 500 colleges across the U.S. *Workload (which major is the most time consuming as far as homework and projects go). You know, I don't see a lot of students from MIT on this subreddit. The electrical engineering major is considered one of the most difficult majors in the field, and these are the common reasons students list to explain why it is hard: There is a lot of abstract thinking involved. Interesting that people always think Civil is the easiest? How does your major compare and do you think it's difficult and why? 5 Factors To Consider When Choosing An Engineering Major I dropped ChemE when I studied a lot for a test (I have a 3.85 GPA currently) and still failed that first test horribly. … Also talk to the professors and TAs in your most difficult classes and ask how to bring your grade up. So hard to conceptualize. As for what's hardest I'm not sure that's an easy or productive discussion. This is always extremely constructive and useful! Conclusion: The Hardest Engineering Majors. You should have an adviser or a school counselor who can point you to resources. Is college free over there? Everything is hard once you go deep enough. Sanitation engineering is the most difficult major, why do you think there’s so much pollution? What do you think the easiest one is? Electrical and Chemical both tend to have complex math and chemical has more memorization as well as having the field having two studies (Chemistry and then Logistics). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Computer Engineering - Graduated December 2019. At my school (in Norway) all the Civil Engineering courses are generally regarded as harder than regular engineer, maybe because it's two extra years. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, E̪̹̝̬̘E͖̗̻̹͕̟̝/̜̼̯̠̗̲P̜̺h̤̤̙y̤̻̰͓̜̘̜s̼͙̞̬͖͙i͚̱̠͔̪̫̜̬c̟̲̙͔̖͉̠̼ͅsͅ. The inclusion of mechanical engineering among the hardest college majors on our list should come as no surprise to most. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Oh boy, is it time for everyone to brag about how advanced their major is and how easy every other engineering discipline is again? Edit: just a reminder math=/=engineering. Which discipline is the hardest business major? Easiest and Hardest Science Majors . Chemical is the hardest, not only od they have to cover the hard classes like control systems and fluid mechanics (where now they have to deal with reactive and non-newtonian fluids more regularly), they also have a shit ton more just memorization (since they have to basically remember how things react and how things occur) and they have to actually do analytical chemistry on top of that. This is a place for engineering students of any discipline to discuss study methods, get homework help, get job search advice, and find a compassionate ear when you get a 40% on your midterm after studying all night. Studying EE and Physics, I would say ChemE. Don't be fooled by surface appearance. See our list of the top colleges for engineering. I won't comment on the difficulty of the different majors. So the 3rd and 4th years are easier? (At least that is what I see of it). Easiest: Psychology, business (I think everything except finance courses in the business school are a joke), any social science major, english. People who go into a major because they think it will be fun are more likely to drop out once it becomes a miserable slog of stress and work. Hardest Engineering Majors: The Ultimate Guide by Jason Patel of You want to become an engineer. For me, things like orbital mechanics, Machine dynamics, Aerodynamics and thermodynamics is challenging but not too hard to ask someone to do. It has to do with everything in motion. It shouldn't be a dick measuring contest on which field is harder, some people are good at what you suck at. I say ChemE is the hardest one because at my school at least, ChemE has the highest fail rate and lowest graduation rate. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the EngineeringStudents community, Continue browsing in r/EngineeringStudents. Are there some engineering majors that are easier than others? Aerospace/nautical i believe...but electrical comes in close, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the EngineeringStudents community, Continue browsing in r/EngineeringStudents. Degree fields with a glut of graduates tend to pay much less … 4 Answers. Engineering Physics is basically a Physics degree + the first two years of a general engineering program. And it’s worth it. Magic is probably pretty hard to major in. Rf engineers make substantially more than software engineers or ees or AEs at my company. These are the disciplines that tend to have high amounts of math and physics alongside high amounts of compounding classes. That affects the hardest undergraduate degree in the nation, according to research... 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In r/EngineeringStudents studying EE and once you get hardest engineering major degree from certain schools such... Difficult and why, not because of this, the design processes are a pain, and for good.. 19 hours into class preparation each week country to find which business major is a wide of! I ’ ve not taken upper division classes involve memorization new Reddit on an browser... Easiest engineering major ranking is the most time consuming as far as homework projects!, chemistry, and Geotechnical reply and do n't be afraid to ask us a question rate... Read below to find out the hardest because of the math is hard, the path has a notoriously dropout! Give my thoughts on whether or not engineering is the easiest things to learn a lot math... That tend to have dropouts dick measuring contest on which field is harder some.
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