11 endemic species were concerned by the possible fish conservation programs in the PNMD due to their restricted and sensitive habitats while 13 other endemic species known from the Sanaga River basin were wanted in the study area.Keywords: Upper Sanaga, fish, endemic species, invasive species, habitats, management. for people while enabling conservation and protection practices. In this situation, Cameroon is lagging in meeting, the MDG targets. WRI. 'Backcasting' a positive future vision of the world's water resources as a tool for developing rational policies and approaches for reducing water-related problems is also discussed in the context of the Comprehensive Freshwater Assessment prepared for the United Nations General Assembly in 1997. Direction de la statistique et de la comptabilité Nationale. In Cali, Columbia, the ratio is 10, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 20, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 17–100, Karachi, Pakistan, 28–83 and, Istanbul, Turkey, 10 (Bhatia and Falkenmark, Empowering poor people, reducing poverty, improving livelihoods, and promoting, economic growth ought to be the basic objectives of IWRM. A significant association is found between water and food insecurity. This study investigates policy and institutional responses of community-based water supply management in Cameroon. This is the sum of renewable groundwater and renewable surface water resources (both internal and external) Renewable Water Resources. Hence, in reality, the supply situation is, In urban areas only Sanitation coverage is also poor. Hydrological Research Centre Yaoundé-Cameroon. Water Partnership as a platform for participation. Ecol Appl 8:571–579, Gleick PH (1999) The human right to water. Cameroon which is the bread basket of the Central African, sub-region, therefore have an opportunity to increase its potential in terms of food, and cash (cacao, coffee, etc) crops production. Citation: Davidson Z, Valeix M, Van Kesteren F, Loveridge AJ, Hunt JE, Murindagomo F, et al. The paper describes reasons that justify the need for an IWRM approach and explains the rationale for community participation. Such participation can create the foundation for using water resources efficiently and effectively by engaging social learning, building trust, and a forum for understanding possibilities and limits. Onze espèces endémiques ont suscité un intérêt pour d’éventuels programmes de conservation des poissons dans le PNMD à cause de leurs habitats restreints et sensibles tandis que 13 autres, toujours endémiques et connues du bassin de la Sanaga, n’ont pas été retrouvées dans la zone étudiée.Mots clés : Sanaga supérieur, poissons, espèces endémiques, espèces invasives, habitats, gestion. Sudan savannah, and Sahel savannah in the extreme north portion of the country. According to the Laws on Decentralization in Cameroon, councils are at the, lowest institutional level of government responsible for basic service provision to the, communities which include the sustainable supply, use and management of water, resources. This paper seeks to evaluate recent efforts to implement in IWRM in Cameroon by examining the institutional framework for IWRM in Cameroon, conditions for the implementation of IWRM and proposes reforms for improving IWRM in Cameroon. Of Cameroon’s 300 urban centres with, ). The access rate to fresh water is still low and far from the millennium’s goal … Data sources for the present study include bibliographic research, analysis of reports, field observations and interviews of institutional and non-institutional stake holders, Cameroon is hinged between West and Central Africa at the extreme northeastern, end of the Gulf of Guinea and is considered to be in the central Africa sub-region, the Gulf of Guinea to Lake Chad over a distance of about 1,200 km and between, 800 km at the widest portion. It entails management of, water for various purposes and not for a single purpose which therefore involves. Keywords: SWR: surface water resources, confining layer,conjunctive use, SY: safe yield, WD: water demand, WL: withdrawal, WU: urban water. A common paradigm within the context of IWRM is the relevance of the participa-, tory approach, which is becoming a prerequisite of every legislation and plan. It also, facilitates the council’s collaboration with different partners (civil society, private. Dublin, Ireland. In the field of water management, integrated approaches to the resource imply the need for considering the social aspects The fundamental demand of IWRM in hydrological basins is the creation of. This could be ensured through public/community participation. Even within the capital city of Yaounde and the other major cities of Cameroon, the water that flows from the tap is dirty and contaminated at times. Effective institutional framework should, dearly define the roles and responsibility of each stake holder. In Cameroon, competition over water is already evident where more than 99% of, installed electricity generation capacity relies on hydropower. 41mcm/ year of SW. There are around 5,000 different species! socioeconomic factors that could affect decision-making (Lanini et al. This paper seeks to evaluate recent efforts to implement in IWRM in Cameroon, by examining the institutional framework for IWRM in Cameroon, conditions for the. The vegetation in the equatorial zone is, dominated by equatorial forests, mangrove forests in the coastal areas, and guinea, savannah in the rest of the zone. English Title: Diversity of the Djerem River ichthyofauna: impact of Mbakaou regulation dam and challenges for fish conservation in the Mbam and Djerem National Park (Cameroun)The intensive anthropization of the Sanaga river basin requires to accelerate research on biodiversity and conservation of its aquatic resources. integrated water resources management in Cameroon. Part of the challenge has been the ineffective water legislation and policies contributing to poor water management and governance. d’Action de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau du Cameroun. The results reveal that three resources were identified as key to include sand, fish and domestic water. Current trends in the growth of population, urbanisation, industrialisation, and income indicate that a new approach to the management of water is needed. It is a problem however asking the rural poor to pay for their water consumption. The country is endowed with, abundant fresh water resources but the water and sanitation sectors are faced with. Management of water resources in isolation most often results to immediate needs, most often results to continuous degradation of water resources and increasing water, scarcity. been an increase in demand of electric power of 8% per year during the last 10 years. The current production of electricity is not sufficient to meet the demand. Inte-, grated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a promising approach in ensuring, sustainable management of Cameroon’s water resources. Hashyimia Region of 110km2. In the North Province, Cameroon, lions were recorded during a survey between January 2008 and May 2010. In Brazil, concentrated rainfall and ineffective urban drainage systems add to this context and may impact the population with flash floods. management. Information is disseminated and unknown to users of the resources. Continuous water scarcity that is experienced in the Northern part of Cameroon and. however, must be taken into consideration. not been directly affected. The 2030 WRG facilitates open, trust-based dialogue processes to drive action on water resources reform in water stressed countries in developing economies. on practical solutions. A land-use and legislation-based methodology was developed with physical, climate, hydrological and governance data for three catchments and 312 sub-catchments in 30 applications and simulations. A coherent policy and strategy are very, useful instruments to plan, implement and monitor water related activities. We contribute to provide empirical evidence, by exploring water resource exploitation practices, challenges and implications, taking the case of four exploitation sites in Mbonge. Effective institutional framework can enable provision of water. ). Governments, policy makers, and international organizations should recognize the interwoven link between water and food security. It is a natural resource. Water Resources in Zimbabwe. This ministry is responsible for enforcing pollution control measures, determining, the sanctions for defaulters and determining consumption of industrial/commercial, users to facilitate the calculation of abstraction fees. Organisational structures like basin administrations, water management associations, technical-scientific societies, and private and co-operative facilities will have an increasing role. In terms of quantity, it is the second potential in Africa after the Democratic Republic of Congo. Extremes in Lion Behaviour There are prides within 100 km of each other that display extremes in behavior, and in particular when it comes to feeding and drinking.The Lions of the drier central Kalahari regions can go without drinking water for months at a time - they get their moisture from the food they eat - and their home ranges are far greater than other parts as the prey is widely spread. Lion is also a popular animal so everybody can imagine one, but for those who used to see lions on TV in programs made in Kenya wildlife resorts, it would be quite a surprise to meet Cameroon lion. Joint monitoring pro-. The study also revealed that there is continuous top-down management of natural resources despite the guise of decentralization of management responsibilities to rural communities and institutions. They can incorporate. Govern-, ments have the responsibility to ensure this basic requirement to be met for all. Cameroon has a dense network of rivers and a high annual rainfall volume, but water scarcity remains a huge issue among its inhabitants, with only 47% of the rural population having access to improved source of piped water service [17, ... Cameroon is the second country in Africa (after the Democratic Republic of Congo) in terms of quantity of available water resources estimated to be 322 billion cubic meters. In: Servat E, Hughes D, Fritsch JM, Hulme M (eds) Water resources variability in Africa during. This is because significant sections of, the population suffer debilitating disease and economic hardship mainly due to, poor management rather than actual water shortage. Only PP at all By acknowledging a human right to water and expressing the willingness to meet this right for those currently deprived of it, the water community would have a useful tool for addressing one of the most fundamental failures of 20th century development. 2. It is responsible for the execution of projects on managing. In urban areas only 58% of the population has access to improved sanitation facilities, and the rate in rural areas is 42%. Géstion des ressources en eau liées aux activités minières artisanales en Afrique: cas de Bétaré-Oya Est du Cameroun et de Vohibory Sud de Madagascar. distinguishes the following five main physical features of the country: in Cameroon that is three times the world’s, but water still remains a scarce resource because of inadequate, ). About 35% of the urban. InfoResorces (2003) Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): a way to sustainability. Ministère de l’économie, Dungumaro EW (2006) Improving water resources management in Tanzania. DRAC (1998) A study of the rural water supply and sanitation situation in the South West Province. Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and Republic of Congo). According to the GWP, PP requires “that stakeholders at all levels of the social. Lion. Yaoundé, Octobre 2005, MINEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests) (1996) Plan national de la gestion de l’environ-, nement, volume II: analyse des secteurs d’intervention. The paper concludes that reforms such as public participation at local council levels, recognition of water as both an economic and a social good, putting IWRM within, the larger context of Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) and the, exploitation of mathematical models within hydrological basins will improve IWRM. This report was produced in collaboration with the Government of Cameroon and … Total Renewable Water Resources (2017) Water Resources per Capita . Cameroon is blessed with abundant water resources. The current hydrogeologic study paved the solution to many social and ecosystem problems through encourage an opposite people The household size, number of adults vs. children, and presence of storage containers affected water availability and its daily use. Concerning climatic, causes, in the northern portion of Cameroon for about 30 years now, there has been, reduction and irregularity of rainfall. Rapid population increase, unplanned urbanisation, intensive industrial and socio-economic development have led to poor and unsustainable management of these resources. Cameroon, where lions are present in Bénoué National Park. Governments, international aid agencies, nongovernmental organizations and local communities should work to provide all humans with a basic water requirement and to guarantee that water as a human right. The problem that needs to be dealt with mainly at the regional level is the, fair allocation of the water recourses among the different requirements and user, segments in a catchment and watershed. Decision-Support-Systems (DSS) support this complicated planning and decision, process as was applied in the study of seawater intrusion in the Shandong Province, Given the variation in the nature and complexity of the issues and the jurisdiction of, different institutions and organizations, the water and water-related problems have, to be approached at different levels. 5.2 Organisational Structures for Managing Water in Cameroon The institutional framework of Cameroon’s water sector is characterised by the central role played by the Ministry of Water and Energy (MINEE) and due to the transversal nature of water resources, other public institutions do intervene into the water sector. The results of the analysis indicate that models for IWRM must be accessible to non-expert users, integrate Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. The World Water Council therefore initiated a worldwide appraisal of national water resources management policies and practices. It has developed a social system based on teamwork and a division of labor within the pride, and an extended but closed family unit centered around a group of related females. UN (2002) United Nations human rights document. Only, a global vision like IWRM which takes into account the dynamics of water resources, within hydrographic basins or aquifers, with the participation of the all the actors of, the water domain within a new management framework, reconciling all development, stakeholders of the country without compromising the capacity of future generations, There are a number of factors to be given due consideration in order to improve. Stockholm, Sweden, GWP (Global Water Partnership) (2000) Integrated water resources management. Modem water legislation pursues the target of balancing the requirements of human needs and nature conservation by sustainable planning and public participation, the cornerstones of the Water Framework Directive of the European Union. The Global Water Partnership (GWP. (GWP-TAC, 2000). The predominant predators in the Kalahari regions are the Lion, Leopard, Cheetah and Hyena.In relation to the occurrence of their prey, Lions are encountered in relatively scattered groups or as sole hunters. A Long Term Vision. conjunctive use model required an assessment of meteorological elements, local plant diversity and water demand estimation, population Due to the recovery of the economy after the economic crisis, there has. Even among individuals and between institutions in the absence of effective. Another problem is the amount of water unaccounted for: the average rate of loss rose from 25% in 1990 to 40% in 2000, clearly indicating, an aging network and poor maintenance. areas. Based, on estimations carried out by the FAO in 2002, about 18.5% of fresh water mobilized, in Cameroon is used for domestic consumption. Lessons emerging from past experience are shifting, efforts towards support for improvements in water governance and management, devolving responsibilities to the local level and building the capacity of stakeholders. Average precipitation (1961–90 from IPCC (mm/year). They include: Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, (MINDUH), Ministry of Towns (MINVILLE), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural, Development (MINADER), Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, (MINEPIA), Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection (MINEP), Ministry, of Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT), Ministry of Public, Health (MINSANTE), Ministry of Commerce (MINCOMMERCE), Ministry of, Territorial Administration and Decentralisation (MINATD), Ministry of Finance. Irrig Drain 51:199–211, Djeuda Tchanga HB, Tanawa E, Ngnikam E (2001) L’eau au Cameroun. data were modified to ensure consistency with water resources data. IWRM became necessary from the regular, interaction, uses and interest of interdependent groups that converge around a whole, As stated in Agenda 21 and adopted by the United Nation’s Conference on Envi-, ronment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 1992, “Integrated water resources. Per Capita in 2005 : 17 520 m 3 /year. If well implemented in Cameroon, IWRM can serve as a mechanism for equitable, use of water for growth and development, help in the reduction of poverty and, hunger, increase well-being and improve sustainable environmental management. This shows that the country is relatively, rich in water resources. This paper examines the situation of access to potable water and sanitation in Cameroon within the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), establishes whether Cameroon is on the track of meeting the MDGs in these domains and proposes actions to be taken to bring it closer to, Abstract: Corresponding to many social problems arisen in Iraq such as population growth, political problems of controlling terroristic must be accepted and applied, and their results interpreted, by those who participate in the process even if they are not Issues such as to guarantee the supply of basic, water requirements, the economic allocation of water for other human purposes, the, more efficient use of water by all users and the protection of water resources from. Total Renewable Water Resources (2017) Water Resources per Capita . There are recurrent lessons and experiences that reveal problems of execution and efficacy when resource users are excluded in management processes, ... La Sanaga supérieure est représentée par le Djerem (son principal affluent) et le Lom, tous deux issus des monts du plateau de l'Adamaoua (Lienou et al., 2005 ;Onana, 2018). public health and development has resulted in a number of international initiatives: two UN water decades from 1981 to 1990 and 2005 to 2015, World Water Forums, Millennium Development Goals. Tsaro lions are called swamp cats. The price, may be regulated within acceptable economic boundaries. It was a scene I first filmed seven years ago and some of the cubs from that time are still splashing around today. implementation of IWRM and proposes reforms for improving IWRM in Cameroon. ... Feeds on aquatic insects and water-spiders! This paper argues that access to a basic water requirement is a fundamental human right implicitly and explicitly supported by international law, declarations and State practice. sector, state) and can be used as a sensitization and coordination tool for IWRM. prerequisite of every legislation and plan. This plan was elaborated by Ministry of Water and Energy (MINEE), with support from CAfTAC and input from multi stakeholders using the Global. pollution have to be solved primarily at the local level. When combined with the rapid unplanned population will intensify the compe- and Ministry Scientific. Isolated, and impacts abstraction and discharge licences following the lions at # DubaPlains and filming their swimming wading... 'S Rep. Korea, Rep. Kuwait KyrgyzstanLao Peoples Dem neba, Bamenda, (... Affect decision-making ( Lanini et al the following problems which call the implantation of IWRM region of Brazil water... 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